Friday, October 1, 2010

University of Montana Employee Sean Boushie Told a MT Judge he Feared me Yet Still Attacks Me.

For over a Year Now Sean Boushie has attacked me online, threatened me, defamed me and solicited others every day to do the same.

He told 2 Montana Judges that he was in Real Fear of Me, yet so afraid that he wrote vile hate online a bout me constantly, watched all my blogs every single day, googles "crystal cox" EVERY SINGLE work day from the University of Montana on PAID time.  And eMails me a constant array of cease and desist emails,.  Sean Boushie perjured himsefl in fornt of two Montana Judges and my PROOF meant nothing.

He also typed in threatening and harassing key words, into my blog searches as does Stephen Lamont in New York where you can see from these blog Sean Boushie emailed Stephen Lamont to join his Hate Group.  Stephen Lamont is the Formor CEO of a company that I write on and has NOTHING to do iwth Sean Boushie or the University of Montana, and Now this Hate Crime Case against the State of Montana, University of Montana and all on this Blog except for Judge Haynes .. wel lthis will also be filed in the State of New York as once it hits the New York Servers it is also under New York Law.

No One Can STOP Sean Boushie and No One Cares to for if any Montana Law Enforcement TOLD the TRUTH about this ONE MAN, well their Wall of Corruption that Illegally protected him to Shut me up and to Harass and Defame Paul Stramer.. well that Wall would come tumbling down and the TRUTH would rise up.   I am telling the TRUTH and Still harassed, threatened and stalked to this day.

All day he is on my blogs, the University of Montana DOES Nothing and Is Liable for my Life, My Career.. and why? I am a law abiding Citizen protecting Montana Victims and Montana's Citizens Rights... I am not against the Government nor the Law Enforcement .. I am for Enforcing the Law for those in the Judicial System, I am for the Victims that are SILENCED, beaten and even killed by those in the Montana Judical System to Protect their Wall of Corruption.. Why punish us for your Crimes.?. We are Innocent.

Here is Todays Email from the University of Montana - Sean Boushie
PAID Time on the University of Montana Pay ROLL

From Home.. tonight.. Corvalis Cybernet 1

" From: Sean Boushie

Date: Thu, Sep 30, 2010 9:35 pm

Crystal Cox,

Seriously, I feel sorry for you, it must be lonely there in your mind with all your lies and hate.

Must be horrible knowing no one believes you, no one cares about you knowing that everyone hates you and that you are not welcome to darken any ones door.

Get yourself some help.

Get yourself some serious psychotherapy or some anti psychotic medication before its too late, even though it probably is.

If you really believe that someone is trying to kill you by burning you at the stake, you need serious help. "

Still Stalking Me, Still Taunting me ..
Still ALL Corrup Law Enforcement On this BLOG Ignore it.
Judge Robin Clute - Hamilton Montana Gave Him a Protective Order
Against ME !!!!

Sean Boushie Solicited haters and sent them links to his hate site, the site threatened to burn me at the stake, I have prove in hard copy, video and Digital Copy.

Some Pages Within Sean's Hate Site on Me

Link to Email Connecting P. Stephen Lamont, who is involved in Massive Shareholder Fraud over a Multi-Trillion Dollar Patent Theft... Email from Sean Boushie, University of Montana that Sean Boushie sent to Stephen Lamont, this email gives the hate site that threatens to burn me at the stake and tons of other vile hate... I sent this to Judge Storm Langston, Eureka Montana JP and others on this Blog and THEY ignored Me.

Pages of Hate from Sean Boushie and MT Corrupt Judge Robin Clute Protected
him for A whole Year while he Hatefully Attacked me, lost me Millions In Real Etsate Listing, Lost me Major Online Marketing Jobs, Endangered my Life and Put me under Major Stress.

Judge Robin Clute and ALL on this Blog are Liable for Millions.
A Good, Honest Attorney can Email me at

This Hate Site is NOW down. .Nothing to DO with Montana Law Enforcement, a Pastor In Texas Got this Site Down, after Sean Emailed it TO HIM..  Still it lost me jobs and cause me REAL Fear, Real Monetary Damage.. and Montana Corrupt Judges, County Attorney(s), and Law Enforement not only let it happen but paved the way.

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I need a Civil Rights Attorney
NOT afraid of Corrupt Montana Courts.

I have over a years Proof of Corruption, Defamation, Hate Crimes against 4 MT Counties, the State of Montana, Several Law Enforcement Units, the Town of Eureka, City of Missoula and ALL named on this Blog are Liable.

Email me at
and Represent me in
a Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit.

People Make a Living on the Internet. Haters Network to Do Real Harm on the Internet and to Get together to do Physical Harm. Montana Law Enforcement Does NOT understand the Power of the Internet.

If Montana Judges and Law Enforcement TRULY do NOT understand the Internet, Can't Read Web Stats, Track an IP or Get How to Track Down Cyber Crimes then Montana Needs to HIRE people in Every County that Can do that... Peoples Lives, Real Estate, Business, Reputation and Quality of Life is At Stake...

What is Montana Law Enforcment Waiting FOR ???