Bill Windsor is one of many of Sean Boushie's Victims, and Montana Corruption ... well, Let's just say Montana is the NUMBER ONE Judicial HELL HOLE in America says Blogger Crystal L. Cox, a 4th Generation Montanan.
Sean Boushie has committed Hate Crimes for YEARS. Corrupt Judges in Montana continue to Protect Sean Boushie and thereby Protect CORRUPTION in the State of MONTANA.
Bill Windsor of Lawless America is an Anti-Corruption HERO. Sean Boushie and ALL of the Montana Law Enforcement and Judges that protect him are "Lawless", Evil, Unconstitutional and protecting decades of Evil and Corruption in the State of Montana.
Montana is CORRUPT, the RULING Below is Full of LIES, and Protects Sean Boushie to Create Further Victims, meanwhile Montana Courts allow Sean Boushie to continue to violate the rights of others and refuses to Give Sean Boushies Victims Protective Orders, citing all manner of NONSENSE as reasons why, yet all Sean Boushie has to do is claim he is in FEAR.
Here is the Latest in Corruption in MONTANA and the Use of Protective Orders in Montana (Not Mutual) to violate the rights of those Exposing CORRUPTION in the State of MONTANA.
Sean Boushie has emailed, taunted and harassed Bill Windsor for Years and In FACT contacted Bill Windsor first, in order to find out where Crystal Cox was filming so that he could HARM Me.
STOP Corruption. Stand on the Right Side of the Moral Compass. DO the Right Thing. Tell the TRUTH.
Bill Windsor is an Anti-Corruption HERO.
The LIE will NOT Stand as the Truth on my WATCH.
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