Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcome Email Sean Boushie Sent to P. Stephen Lamont Former - FIRED Iviewit CEO, Sean Boushie Welcomes P. Stephen Lamont to HIS Hate Group against Me.

P. Stephen Lamont in New York State sent this to many folks trying to get others to Join Sean, Sean's Hate Crime has NOW hit the New York Servers and by New York Law I can Sue him and File Criminal Complaints out of New York Now as Well.

here is the Email, Again I have ALL Documentation and Originals.. and Plenty of Proof.. SHOULD the Right Civil Rights Attorney Come along and NOT be afraid of the Corrupt Courts in the State of Montana and want to Make Millions of Dollars... Here is the Email Quote...

This is a Big Deal and Is interfering with a Trillion Dollar Case..

This Email is Now on New York Servers and My Case against Sean Boushie and the Corruption in Montana will also be filed out of New York State.

""  From: Sean Boushie []

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 11:21 AM
Subject: Crystal Cox Abuse

Welcome to the group... If you havent noticed shes not mentally stable.
Contact the webmaster of the above group tp join us. Your only option to
shut her up is to get a local restraining order against her, she wont stop
unless you pay her.
last count ther ewere 70+ people shes trying to extort in 19 states.  ""

This was Sent by Sean Boushie to P. Stephen Lamont, Stephen Lamont sent it to a Large group of Iview Technologies Shareholders - and Related Parties. 

This is a Crime, Sean Boushie is Lying about me, he is Defaming me to HUGE Companies, and interfering with a Trillion Dollar Patent Case (   and  ) . He is bringing hundreds of Millions of dollars of liability on to me, and ALL those in Judicial Power in MONTANA who have let it Happen are Liable for THIS, they gave him the Continued power to do so.

Sean Boushie is trying to get other people in other states to get a Restraining order out of Montana to Shut Me Up. 

Keep in mind my writings on Mr. P. Stephen Lamont Ex-CEO of Iviewit Technologies, First of all was and ARE none of Sean's business, though he makes it his job to watch everything I say and interfere with my work, my life, my business EVERY SINGLE DAY and PAID for by the University of Montana

Secondly Blogging is My Business, and Sean may not understand it, the Montana Law  may not understand it, but Millions of Others Worldwide do... all they have to do is Call one of them up and look deeper.   My writings on Mr. Lamont were QUOTES from his own words, I linked to the source.  My Writings were from the Owner of the Iviewit Technologies Company and because Sean decided they were ABUSE he solicited ANOTHER hater from clear across the Country... All behind the Protective Order of Judge Robin Clute in Hamilton Montana.

Sean says on his Hate Site that He and William, Bill Lenhard Have... that I will Stop Writing about you for MONEY.  As he says in the Above email welcoming Mr. Lamont to His Hate Group... Sean Boushie is Criminalizing Me, Defaming Me, Setting Me Up  and Attacking Me.  I have never Asked Sean for Money to Stop saying anything and NOR have I EVER asked anyone Else for Money to STOP talking about them.  This is Ridiculous and it is ILLEGAL for Sean Boushie to Spread these lies and SHOCKING that the U of M in Montana Pays him to do it and the Montana Judges, Cops, County Attorney and Sheriff Cover Up for him Month after Month after Month.

"70 People I am Trying to EXTORT", this is Defamation and Sean BOUSHIE will be Sued, as will ALL parties on this blog for Millions upon Millions as I truly am working on Billion Dollar Writings that they are interfering with as they let this Corruption Continue.  And our NETWORK is worth Millions, the more Damage Sean Does the More Liable Every SINGLE Company, County, Law Officer and Person on this BLOG are Liable for... as SOON as I find an ATTORNEY with the Balls to Stand up to the Corruption in the State of MONTANA. 

I have never exorted one person ever and He claims there are 70, WHAT... I write about people, businesses, events and news and link to the source... I am a blogger, it is not anything new ... just because they don't understand it does not mean it is extortion, or illegal in any way.  If my Blogs are Illegal PROVE it and I will fix that, I have no intention of breaking ANY law... I NEVER HAVE... I am simply telling you the news to me, my opinion, my soapbox - it is What a Blog is.. by Definition...

If YOU cannot prove it is ILLEGAL then STOP letting Sean Boushie ATTACK me and not letting me defend myself because of a Restraining ORDER that had NO MERIT what so ever to BE GIVEN in the FIRST PLACE.

Who Will STOP this Maddness... I am under Constant Attack and those Who KNOW and UnEthically, UnLawfully let it Continue are just as Guilty as the Stalker, the Aggressor....

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I need a Civil Rights Attorney
NOT afraid of Corrupt Montana Courts.

I have over a years Proof of Corruption, Defamation, Hate Crimes against 4 MT Counties, the State of Montana, Several Law Enforcement Units, the Town of Eureka, City of Missoula and ALL named on this Blog are Liable.

Email me at
and Represent me in
a Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit.

People Make a Living on the Internet. Haters Network to Do Real Harm on the Internet and to Get together to do Physical Harm. Montana Law Enforcement Does NOT understand the Power of the Internet.

If Montana Judges and Law Enforcement TRULY do NOT understand the Internet, Can't Read Web Stats, Track an IP or Get How to Track Down Cyber Crimes then Montana Needs to HIRE people in Every County that Can do that... Peoples Lives, Real Estate, Business, Reputation and Quality of Life is At Stake...

What is Montana Law Enforcment Waiting FOR ???